Ken Festa
Nov 6, 2020


Thanks for your response. I agree with you and hope that you're right about a new dawn. I have more fear than hope for technology right now, though. I say that as an employee of a big tech company. Technology has allowed really hateful people to organize themselves (e.g. QAnon) and AI algorithms often perpetuate racism rather than promote equity and equality.

One thing I've noticed, emphasized by the the (ongoing, at this moment) US election is that all of the population centers (cities and increasingly the suburbs) are becoming more and more liberal and dominant. It's hard to demonize "the other" when they're your neighbor, your co-worker, your manager (I report to a Black woman, and she's incredible), your real estate broker. As a White person who has tried to do the work, to become a better ally, I know that proximity is not enough, but it's a helluva start.

Keep up the fight!



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