Robert, I know that you think that Black people hate you because of your race. But, news flash, nobody thinks about you. Yes, some Black people are biased against white people. But that's not the essential nature of the effort
White people instituted a system in which 10% of the country's population have 1% of its wealth. The average Black household will have a negative net worth by 2050. If you think this is true because Black people are stupider or lazier than than white people, then you're more of a racist than you've already let on.
White people instituted a system in which Black and Hispanic drug users and low-level dealers are incarcerated at 4-5 times the rate of whites, even though drug usage rates are nearly equal between races.
White people instituted a system in which Black men are shot at 3-4 times the rate of white men. I know that your leader (who I assume is Trump) likes to fall back on the total numbers here, but he's making an argument that only makes sense to people who are bad at math. Which is convenient, given that much of his base comprises uneducated white males.
White people instituted successive repressive systems, starting with slavery, mutating to chattel slavery, then Jim Crow, and finally to mass incarceration to make sure that all of above things keep happening and manifesting themselves in new forms.
You noticed how I kept using the word "instituted"? Racism happens at the institutional, systemic level. Black people (and their allies) are trying to make us white people aware of the all-encompassing corrosive nature of racism.
You've got racism confused with bias, which happens at the individual level. I understand that it's unpleasant for you to think that someone might not like you because of your skin. But. like I said, nobody's really seriously thinking about you, except at the aggregate level.
The good news is that you and people like you are going to be the minority in this country, at some foreseeable point. That's why your leaders are engaged in voter suppression--your last, best hope is that the USA turns into some modern version of apartheid-era South Africa.
I don't think you'll succeed, by the way.