OK, as I said below, there's a lot of truth to what you're saying. The left (urban elite or otherwise) has a lot of problems. We tend to lecture and judge too much, and hypocrisy is a huge bad thing. But, when Hillary mentioned the deplorables, she was talking about the Nazis and White Supremacists (and now, the QAnon-ers would fit nicely into the basket of deplorables. I have no problem calling those people deplorables, because they're deplorable. It doesn't matter how much we don't act like some nasty avatar of the nanny state, they're still going to go around saying the only good Democrat is a dead Democrat (you can substitute for the word "Democrat" as appropriate). People who believe in Jew space lasers that set forests on fire to harm Donald Trump (or whoever) are not going to be confused by any other facts.
These Deplorables (best and most recently personified by Marjorie Taylor Greene or whatever her blipping name is) have declared war, actual violent shooting war, against anyone who doesn't believe the dumb shit that they do. When someone declares war on you, you don't have a choice about whether or not you're in a war, was my insufficiently articulated point. You're in a war.
They (and their kind) will make the lives of my wife and my kids more dangerous with their neo-KKK bullshit. Yes, Trump is just one of many arsonists striking matches in a gigantic forest of dead trees and kindling, but he's a useful reference point.