Go ahead, try that Barbecue Becky shit in front of me

Ken Festa
2 min readMay 6, 2020


You’re looking for white solidarity? Fuck off.

I live in NYC, but I was in a Connecticut suburb today, visiting my Mom. I went to the local ShopRite to pick up a few things for her. The store wasn’t crowded, there was only one person in front of me in the checkout line.

I have to preface this by saying that there were no signs posted about which way to walk down which aisle, no arrows on the floor. None of which matters to the story, but it’s still a little bit of context.

A black lady (yes, I’m a white guy and I do see race and no that doesn’t make me racist) was pushing her cart along the aisle. She skirted around me, maintaining as much space as possible, to take her place in the line behind me.

So she had to proceed a few steps down the aisle to do this. Apparently, these were a few too many steps the wrong way down this aisle — at least according to the rules this fucking racist made up on the spot.

“You’re going the wrong way.”

The lady and I locked eyes…she said (more in confusion than anger), “I don’t even know what he means.”

I might have done this part better if I wasn’t so stunned, but I did manage to say (loudly enough for Mr. Becky to hear), “Some people don’t know how to mind their own business.”

Mr. Becky stopped and asked me if I had a problem.

Me? No. They did close down my boxing gym last month and I haven’t had the chance to hit anyone in weeks, but other than that…

Mr. Becky wandered off, grousing to himself.

I’m sorry I have to say this, but:

White people, you are not in charge of policing black people. If you see a black person and you believe they’re doing something wrong, please SHUT THE FUCK UP.



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