Exactly. Intentionality has nothing to do with it. Most White people (the 98%) are unaware that (after WW2) the US government subsidized mortgages for White people at a greater rate than what was spent on "projects" for Black people.
In other words, even as White people complain about government handouts (to Black people), they live in neighborhoods that are the result of more government largesse than Black people ever saw.
And for Black people who were able to beat the odds and own their own house? They were steered into redlined neighborhoods where their property was significantly undervalued by appraisers. That is capital that is unavailable for education or new businesses.
Housing is the primary way that US citizens are able build inter-generational wealth. This opportunity has largely been denied to Black people until now.
There is a reason that 10% of the US population has 1% of its wealth and that reason is not a lack of intelligence, industriousness, or education--a White man with a high school education can expect to earn about the same of money as a Black man with a college degree. The reason is systemic and continuing racism.