As a white, middle-aged man, I can answer some of these questions…
Would I share an apartment with someone of a different race?
Would I hire someone of another race?
But then… what about a boss of a different race?
Yes. My manager is a black woman. She’s brilliant and I depend on her.
Would I marry someone of another race?
Yes, have been married to a black woman for 20 years.
Have a baby with them?
Yes. We have two boys. One is on the Dean’s list at a great university, and the other has received acceptances into some of the best colleges in NY.
Should criminals of another race get the same level of mercy?
Yes. I was on a jury where two young men had been arrested on drug charges. Both of them had less than a gram of coke when apprehended. The white guy (partying all night at an expensive NYC nightclub despite having no visible means of support), flipped on the Hispanic guy and accused him of being the dealer. On the flimsiest of evidence, many on the nearly all-white jury (Manhattan is about half white, demographically) wanted to send the Hispanic guy to prison for years, while the white kid got off with a sealed record and a day of community service. I wrote about it here.
However. I grew up in a racist society, and I have been subjected to some deep and long-lasting cultural programming designed to tell me that I’m a member of a superior races. So none of these answers mean that I don’t need to work on my racism and that I can’t continue to grow and learn.